Friday, December 12, 2014

Lizzie's P.P. - Acro

Acrobatics is an ancient sport and art form, Lizzie enjoys doing acro and wanted to learn more about it for her personal project. 

Thomas' P.P. - Can he raise carnivorous plants!?

Carnivorous plants don't typically grow in our climate, so Thomas needed to put them in a terrarium. Over the weeks of his project, a lot of interesting things happened, one of his Venus fly traps split into two plants!

Capitalism Debates and rebuttals

Cotton Factories
District 12
 Steam Engines 1
Steam Engines 2


 Seth's Rebuttal
Lucas' Rebuttal

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Brady's P.P. Scoville Heat Units

Brady presented his powerpoint on Scoville Heat Units, these a measurements to determine how spicy a food is.

Flip a Gram presentations for goals!!

 Ashton's stop motion style Flip a Gram
 Seth's goals poster

 Journey's Flip a Gram
 Jacob's speedy Flip a gram
Lucas' patriotic Flip a gram